The Word For Now


BIble verse- Genesis 1:1 Introduction- We all don’t really talk about heaven and that is where we’re going to be forever…without end …

Luke 10: 25-37. Introduction— It is no doubt that it’s hard to love as a Christian because of the society we live …

Exodus 20: 1- 17 , Mark 12: 30-31. The ten commandments can be categorized into the remaining two: the first four which …

Bible verse- Psalm 47 1-9.INTRODUCTION- We as Christians should learn to give thanks to God, for everything we should remember to thank …

Rev 4:11, Eph 2:10 We’re HIS workmanship Created in Christ Jesus for good works Which God prepared beforehand that we should walk …

BIBLE VERSES- REVELATION 4:11, PSALMS 100 3-5.INTRODUCTION-  Everyone was created for God’s pleasure, God created all things and all to his pleasure. …

BIBLE VERSE- MATTHEW 6:5-13. INTRODUCTION- We have been talking about prayer for weeks now, and today we are looking at a new …

James 5:15-18• We need to pray at all times even in victories.• A righteous person seeks to do God’s will.• 1 John …

• Matthew 10• vs 5 this is the mandate that God gave to his disciples, to should reach out to the lost …