Our Beliefs and Values

We believe

In the Holy Bible as the true, genuine and complete word of God.

In the Birth (conception through the Holy Ghost), Death by Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of JESUS CHRIST as the only true and complete work of salvation for mankind.

In Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth to rule in Power and Glory.

In the Deity of GOD in three Persons (Trinity): the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost.

That Man was created in the image of God (Male & Female).

Man sinned by disobedience to God and fell.

That the saved man (already accepted and believe the work of salvation through Jesus by accepting and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord) is heaven-bound and restored to have dominion here on earth as he continues to be in relationship with Christ.

In Water baptism by immersion as Jesus Christ commanded.

In spiritual growth. including baptism of the spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues amongst others.

In miracles (divine intervention and/or arrangements by God) including divine healings of diverse kinds of sicknesses and inabilities.

In the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
The Great White Throne Judgment as the final judgment when all the wicked will stand before God.

The new heaven and new earth will replace the current heaven and earth.

In Eternal heaven and Eternal hell as literal places of final destiny.