James 5:15-18
• We need to pray at all times even in victories.
• A righteous person seeks to do God’s will.
• 1 John 5:14 – 15 every child of God can and should pray always with confidence that whenever you pray God hears.
• Matthew 17:19-21 and 1Kings 18: 1, 41-46 – Faith, persistence and consistency are important in prayer and more importantly in line with God’s word. God already spoke to Elijah in the first verse.
• Our relationship with God is cultivated and further developed through prayer, the word and our worship.
• When we pray we must have faith that God hears us and he answers.
• Luke 18:1 – We must continue to pray…consistence
• When we pray our motives must be right and we do not need to make vain repetitions.
• Ephesians 6:18, Romans 8:26-27 – Pray in the spirit and believe God hears you

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