Exodus 20: 1- 17 , Mark 12: 30-31.

The ten commandments can be categorized into the remaining two: the first four which has to do with our relationship with God and the remaining six, that is, the second category deals with the way we relate with ourselves as human to human. This is why Jesus simplified the laws into two according to Mark 12:29-31: the first to love God and the second to love our neighbors.

—- The simplest way to obey the ten commandments is to love God and love your neighbors. The kind of love is here is the same that God demonstrates towards us: the AGAPE love.

—- What is love? 1 Corinthians 13:3-8 – this scripture tells us the characteristic features of love. The AGAPE love is unconditional. Love is kind, patient, not arrogant and so on

—- Love is without hypocrisy. Don’t be an hypocrite. Love is not deceitful, love is sincere with kindness.

—- Show people love by practicing hospitality. Do things with good and genuine intentions.

—- Loving is blessing those who persecute you. By doing so you are showing love and the love of Christ. Do not curse such people, pray to God about them and pray for them.
Loving is not about saying it through your mouth, you need to practice it without hypocrisy and deceit. It might not come easy and it might seem difficult but as Christians we need to show love irrespective of our environment, age, color, race, height, social status and so on.

Further reading Romans 12:9-14


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