How do you think this would be…that as a customer care service provider, you are able to reach out to someone spiritually?

I am talking about praying for the sick, ministering to a need due to spiritual sensitivity…hmmm

God is in dare need of #representatives(those already redeemed through the blood of the lamb) #everywhere and #everytime. For this reason, some are #footballers, #athletes, #teachers, #journalists, #sale-reps, #businessmen/women, #health-workers #immigration-officers, #politicians, #policemen/women, #student and so on…so that no sector will be left unreached!

When Jesus was taken up, He gave gifts to men including you if you are in the light…to some prophets, teachers, pastors, evangelists and apostles…(Ephe 4:11) with so many spiritual gifts, all for the same purpose.
Don’t wait till you become a pastor in your church or a pulpit minister…represent God in whatever you do and wherever you are by exercising your God-given spiritual gifts and potentials through faith to meet the needs of others around you.

He planted you there for that reason
Don’t allow the worldly nature of your work to control you but rather redefine it with the help of God.
Remember the Bible says let your light so shine that people will see and glorify your father in heaven (Mat 5:16).
Let’s have another pastor, bishop, apostle, prophet, evangelist, etc at your place of work, not as title or by reason of your going to church…let it be that you represent #GOD.

Have a nice day…but take a moment to feed on the word…pray…and represent God today and always

Remember, the only way you can #occupy (Luke 19:13) is to ‘BECOME like #JESUS’ whenever and wherever you find/found yourself.

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