jerusalem artichoke, sunflower, flower

God wants you!

God wants you!

Mark 3:14 GNB

The idea and original intention of God was and still that we be with HIM! Any other thing is secondary 

God is not about your talent, gift, money etc but you!

And nobody is a decider of how close you can be with HIM except you – your seat or positioning in the church has nothing to do with your closeness with God, your friend or family can’t determine your closeness to God

This is what count! Heb 11:6b those that diligently seek HIM

Diligence: careful and persistent work or effort towards a goal. He rewards you with HIS presence – that settles everything 

There’s a man in the scriptures that earned a badge from God: God called him a man after HIS heart I Sam 13:14, Acts 13:22

That doesn’t mean he was perfect, and at the same time he wasn’t an habitual sinner 

– He joined himself with the enemy of God, the philistines 

– he committed adultery and killed the man he cheated against 2 Sam 11

– He failed to discipline Amnon for raping his half sister

But God said he was a man after HIS heart. The statement came up when nobody knew David 1 Sam 13:14 but he was already known to God – lots of people wants to be known and use that to justify being close to God…it starts from the secret place

What earned David this badge:

He placed God first and did everything to please HIM irrespective 

– He made a better place of rest for the ark of covenant and worshiped God 2 Sam 6:1-17 (16-17)

– He made sure worship was offered to God continously 1 Chro 16:1-6, 37

– He continued seeking for and worshiping God immeasurably Ps 42:1-2

– His heart was truly perfect towards God I King 11:4,6

He desired to build God a house but God didnt allow him 2 Sam 7, He instead made provisions towards the building 

In conclusion 

Jer 29:13-14

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