It doesn’t matter the way you came to God: through need(s), someone preached to you, your parents took you to church, you had a dream, you had situation beyond your control and God showed up….the most important thing is you came in through Christ and you’re with God now. God be praised!The next important and…very important step to your salvation experience is getting to know God, the Father, one on one. A lot of people come to God and they don’t move to the next phase of getting to know HIM. I will tell us of a story this morning about two sons who didn’t know their father. The focus has always been on the younger of the two but the other guy didn’t know their father as well.Luke 15:11-24Let’s scrutinize these two sonsFor the younger, the love of the world was in him and you can’t love the world and claim to love God at the same timeMat 6:24, James 4:4,2Tim 4:10 for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica—Crescens for Galatia, Titus for Dalmatia. The same Demas used to be fervent for the Lord Col 4:14, Philemon:24Let’s see I John 2:15-17Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of lifeThat’s the story of the younger brother, he was with God but he loved the world and he went with the world. God be praised he came back to his senses and returned. Luke 15:13,18-20 (you can come back home today)To conquer all that is in the world, that is, not to be carried away, you need to be filled with the spirit always so you can bear the fruits of the spirit Gal 5:22-25Let’s quickly see the elder brother Luke 15:28-endHe stayed with the father but never asked the father what plans the father has for him to be able to request the resources needed for his destiny James 4:2-3This is the case with most Christians, we don’t ask God for the path of life he wants us to follow and for those that know their paths, they don’t pray or ask for the resources or how to go about itSo, both guys didn’t know their father enough to live meaningful lives. That’s why Paul was praying for us in Eph 1:15-end. I pray that this indeed will become our daily prayer and it’s just the beginning of how we can grow in knowing God. Daniel 11:32 says and those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits!