* Mark 4:35-41* (V.35) It is time to let some things go, it is time to cross over. (John 9:4)* For you to cross over, you must stop forcing some situations to stay. If things aren’t working out, then it is probably time to let them go.* You can cross while you still have the time.* (V.36) It is time to leave the multitude behind and move forward to the next destination that God is calling you to.* The multitude could signify the opinions of other people in your life, sin (Heb 12:1), or even social media and distractions.* The disciples took Jesus with them. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus?* You need Jesus in your life and journey. Hand things over to Jesus and let them go, and he will carry your burdens and struggles, He will see you through.Full message on YouTube (City of David Sydney), follow the link: the Play icon at the top of this message…there are more life changing messages here and on our YouTube Page