Matt 6:34 – We can use today to plan and prepare because today is what we have.
Gen 1:26 Mark16:17 Luke10:9- We have been given dominion. The life of God is the life of dominion and his plan is for us to have dominion.
Eph 1 & 2 – Christ has restored us back to dominion.
Matt 6:34- Take the opportunity of this lockdown and ask some questions. How much have you been in dominion in your life? After the lockdown, are you going back to how things have always been or are you going to live in dominion?
The idea of God is that we dominate
You have to make good use of today.
Gen 32:22-30 (Jacob)- This time is recess time, the time that will determine if you will continue to dominate.
Josh 14:6-15 (Caleb)-  Even if you’ve been living in dominion, still, it is not time to rest, but to fight battles and to continue in dominion.
Acts 1:1-2 – To take advantage of Gods plan, you must be expectant.
This is the time to go back to God by praying and use this time to get all that you should have

Click the link to watch full message : https://youtu.be/eLFDmYkW9Gc

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